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The importance of change in the
private hospital operation in Mexico

For years the characteristics, virtues and defects of the private operating model of hospitals have been discussed.

For Jaime Cater Gutiérrez, president of Estructuras de Información S.C. (EDI) a change in the operating model of the private hospital sector is imperative for 5 main reasons:

1. Access and equity
Mexico presents one of the models with the greatest inequity in access to excellent medical care and higher out-of-pocket costs. Although access to public health is "guaranteed" to the population (97% coverage according to official figures), the surgical delay and the capacity of the institutions is completely exceeded.

2. Continuity of care
There is no hospital operator that integrates a complete concept of care and that monitors the health of patients in a comprehensive manner. Incentives for doctors who use the hospital are not part of a system and are aligned solely with the economic interests of the operator.

3. Uncertainty of the price of Health
Interventions and different surgical procedures do not maintain a level of prices and health payers suffer abuse and costly control processes for their policyholders. Additionally, the patient without coverage does not have access to benefits or is unaware of market prices.

4. Quality and standardization of care
The same hospital operator can have great differences in the quality of patient care and the results of the interventions or services provided. There is no control or certification over the doctors or their good practices since they are not part of a hospital system.

5. Preventive approach
Hospital operators are focused on profitability and profit growth. The disengagement with primary care physicians and the follow-up of patients as part of their operation prevent an improvement in the health of the community served.

Jaime Cater

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