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EDI 40 years, promoting business and technology

It is easy to say 40 years, but behind a figure, an anniversary, there is a path traveled that touches a vision, that reflects work, that recalls plans, efforts, creativity, but above all people: partners, employees, suppliers, customers, many friends.

Initially, a company that was looking for what the world would begin to see, the change in information management. A new era of systems, computation, informatics, knowledge was beginning, but in the end, a name that allowed us to summarize the mission of the company "Estructuras de Información" that is still as valid as it was 40 years ago!

EDI generated and continues to generate projects, strategies, ideas and income, but it also represents the seeds and investment vehicle for many new companies, which lived and grew under its care and incubation.

Today I just want to thanks and renew, remembering all those who have made this trip possible, all the people and their families who have been part of this great "EDI family".

Thank you for all those daily efforts of those who lived and made the transformation that EDI has sought, firmly believing that information technologies little by little or sometimes rapidly changed the lives of institutions, corporations, governments and people.

Renew, the commitment that another 40 years or perhaps more will come, of entrepreneurship and vision of the future to make Mexico a better country, of a responsible and growing computer industry and a fairer society through doing business.

Thank you for our first 4 decades!

Jaime Cater

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